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Think Ive nearly got everything I22gcj10Think Ive nearly got everything 14dhcg10


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Think Ive nearly got everything Toplef10Think Ive nearly got everything 1zd3ho10

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Think Ive nearly got everything I22gcj10Think Ive nearly got everything 14dhcg10

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Think Ive nearly got everything

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Think Ive nearly got everything Empty Think Ive nearly got everything

Post  Frenchbean 7/28/2012, 7:19 am

Hi to everyone in Europe on this lovely sunny day! Very Happy
I need your help Pretty please.

I have 4 pieces of wood 4foot long. There only 4 1/2 high so I need to attach other boards
Question one: erm how?
Question 2: I have just gone and bought some ply wood (still recovering from the shock- it wasn't cheap) silly me
Question 3: what is the best way to attach it Screws/nails?
Qustion 4: I wish to put the box on legs. I should have said my box will be 4x4 feet a table top box-as I suffer badly with backache. What size legs should I buy?

Was also thinking about the frame to grow my veggies up. I asked the man in B&Q for 2, 90 degree elbows and he didn't know what I was talking about. I explained and he still didn't know! hyper Are they called anything else?.

I didn't know making my first box would be so hard!!!!

All I want to do is START growing hungry uphill and win
Thank Think Ive nearly got everything 3170584802 you for reading

Female Posts : 204
Join date : 2012-06-24
Location : SE England

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Think Ive nearly got everything Empty Re: Think Ive nearly got everything

Post  yolos 7/28/2012, 12:39 pm

If you are talking about EMT elbows, here is a link.


This is what I used to build my trellis. Many people use 1/2 EMT Pipe and then two 90 degree 1/2 inch elbows. Look for the Halex 1/2 inch corner EMT pull elbow on the attached link. That is what it looks like. I actually used 3/4 pipe and elbow but it is probably overkill.


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Age : 74
Location : Brooks, Ga Zone 7B/8A

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Think Ive nearly got everything Empty Re: Think Ive nearly got everything

Post  walshevak 7/28/2012, 5:51 pm

Frenchbean wrote:Hi to everyone in Europe on this lovely sunny day! Very Happy
I need your help Pretty please.

I have 4 pieces of wood 4foot long. There only 4 1/2 high so I need to attach other boards
Question one: erm how?
Question 2: I have just gone and bought some ply wood (still recovering from the shock- it wasn't cheap) silly me
Question 3: what is the best way to attach it Screws/nails?
Qustion 4: I wish to put the box on legs. I should have said my box will be 4x4 feet a table top box-as I suffer badly with backache. What size legs should I buy?

Was also thinking about the frame to grow my veggies up. I asked the man in B&Q for 2, 90 degree elbows and he didn't know what I was talking about. I explained and he still didn't know! hyper Are they called anything else?.

I didn't know making my first box would be so hard!!!!

All I want to do is START growing hungry uphill and win
Thank Think Ive nearly got everything 3170584802 you for reading

Here is a thread about building tabletops. Boffer is the TT guru.
https://squarefoot.forumotion.com/t297-building-a-table-top-sfgsome-ideas A search on tabletops or TT should show some other ideas. Being construction challenged, I used cinderblocks.

For trellis I used 1/2" electrical conduit (emt) and 1/2" pvc elbows and nuts and bolts because they were cheaper. My son used the emt elbows. Maybe they are called corners or angles. I needed a metal drill bit to drill through both the pvc and emt and learned to put the corner in place and drill through both pieces at the same time to make sure the holes lined up.

Think Ive nearly got everything Imgp1513



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Think Ive nearly got everything Empty think Ive nearly got everything

Post  Frenchbean 7/29/2012, 4:15 am

Thanks Kay you've been a great help to me. Is there a way of printing out your picture of the emt. Maybe if I took this to B&Q they would know what I was talking about. blush

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Think Ive nearly got everything Empty Re: Think Ive nearly got everything

Post  walshevak 7/29/2012, 5:33 pm

Rt click on the picture and a print picture choice should be listed. Also try to get a print out of the Home Depot listing above. That has the emt elbows pictured.



Elizabeth City, NC
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Think Ive nearly got everything Empty Re: Think Ive nearly got everything

Post  yolos 7/29/2012, 9:55 pm

Here is a copy of the EMT elbow. Remember, Kay's elbow is a PVC elbow. If you are worried about price then the PVC elbow is okay. For about $3.00 more per elbow, you can get an EMT elbow. There is no drilling holes or buying screws. The EMT elbow comes with its own screws, and a pre-drilled hole. Just tighten the screw and you are ready to go. Easy peasy.
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Think Ive nearly got everything Empty EMT Elbow

Post  memart1 7/29/2012, 10:32 pm

I bought those elbows for my first trellis frame, but then I discovered there are cheaper EMT elbows. The one shown has four screws. The end ones are to hold it to the pipes. The two center ones are to remove the cover if you are running electrical wiring. You don't need to have a removable cover so look for a similar one without the removable cover. It is about the same size, but only two screws.

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